Nutri Score optimization

Wie viel bringt ein B anstelle eines C?  Wie wirkt sich die Rezepturänderung auf Geschmacksgefallen und -wahrnehmung aus? Wir helfen dabei, eure Produkte auf Ebene eures Marketingkonzepts und der Rezeptur…

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How much is a B worth instead of a C? 

How will changing the formulation impact flavor and perception? We will help you to adapt your products at the level of your marketing concept and your recipe in order to improve your Nutri Score.

The Nutri-Score aims to bring more transparency to the health effects of processed foods. Many manufacturers and retailers have made it their goal to improve the Nutri-Score's evaluation of their products - without affecting the sensory experience. We can help!

Talk to us if you want to know more about the possibilities!

Robert Möslein | Managing Director

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