Speed dating with BBQ flavor

Wie können wir auf die Schnelle, mit schlankem Budget und ohne direkte Konkurrenten etwas über neue Flavors lernen? Mit Experten-Panels und effizienten Methoden…

How to learn about new flavors without direct competition

Module: Co-Create​
Keywords: Flavor exploration, Expert Sensory, Rapid Methods, Consensus Profiling​

Barbecue flavor?! Sounds great for our product... no one else has it yet! But how can we learn more about it quickly and on a lean budget? There aren't even any direct competitors..."

True. But it doesn't matter, we can still do the learning!

And so we went out with the customer's R&D team and bought products with a BBQ flavor... from potato chips to barbecue sauce to frozen pizza. Just about anything we could get our hands on.

These products were described by one of our trained sensory experts panel using highly efficient consensus profiling techniques. The panel developed descriptive attributes, mapped the products, and created a detailed map of the BBQ cosmos.

And the customer's R&D team? Bursting with ideas, they identified several promising BBQ routes and had an ideal starting point for developing their first prototypes... Not bad at all, this sort of speed dating with new flavors!

Want to learn more? Talk to ...

Ruth Schädlich | Senior Sensory Manager

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