From oral dramas and chocolate fountain effects

Unser Auftrag: Das sensorische Erlebnis des Produkts auf das Markenkonzept abzustimmen. Wie funktioniert das im Detail? In diesem Fall mit einer Kombination aus Tiefeninterviews, sensorischen Expertenpanels und Konsument*innen-Urteilen…

How to harmonize brand psychology and sensory experience

Module: Improve​
Keywords: Sensory Decoding, Jobs-to-be-done, Time Intensity, Multi-method approaches

"We have a completely different brand positioning than the competition. They are a kind of functional helper from the outside. We convey an emotional warmth, a feeling of enclosure... Can we underpin this even more with our product's sensory experience?"

What can we say: Of course you should! To align the brand concept with the core offering. How to do it?

First, we wanted to deeply understand the psychology of both brands. We conducted in-depth interviews to explore purchase motivations and jobs to be done. At the same time, we built a first bridge to the sensory experience. In an "oral drama", the chocolate eaters were asked to dissect their sensory experience and describe it in detail. Interesting correlations emerged: thick pieces, biting, dry dissolution in the mouth and the image as a functional aid for one brand. Rounded corners, melting consistency, chocolate fountain feeling in the mouth and "hugging" for the other brand.

It was interesting to see how the experience evolved over time: we objectively described this in our sensory expert panel using time intensity method and helped to optimize it by linking it to consumer data. May the chocolate fountain be even more embracing in the future!

Want to learn more? Talk to ...

Joachim Haag | Managing Director

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